Advent 2015 at St Mary’s RC Church Rhyl

On the 29th November, the Church’s new year begins with the 1st Sunday of Advent and the new reading cycle C, the year of Luke’s gospel. Despite all the distractions, Advent is a season within the church’s cycle that calls us to focus on the expectant hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.

It is a time of preparation for the joyous celebration of Christmas. We can prepare through meditation, prayer, attending mass, asking for forgiveness through reconciliation services or confession, fasting, helping those in need in our community, or by attending Christmas concerts or events.

Diocesan Advent Reconciliation Services


Advent Reconciliation services take place at St Theresa’s Abergele on Wednesday 16th December or Thursday 17th December at St Mary’s Rhyl, both at 7:00pm.




Simbang Gabi Mass Novena


The Simbang Gabi Novena Mass Schedule commences on Tuesday 15th December at 6:00pm running through each day until 23rd December. Please note that the Saturday mass will be at 5:00pm, whilst all others take place at 6:00pm.









Cytun Advent Service


Rhyl Churches Together (Cytun) will hold an Advent service to take place this Sunday (November 29th) at 6:00pm in the Adventist Church, 28 Albert Street. All are most welcome.


5:00pm Mass on Christmas Eve:

The 5:00pm mass will be a children’s mass. Anyone who would like to take part in the Gospel mime, read, or be part of the offertory procession, please come to the practice on Sunday 20th December 11:15am, after the 10:00am mass.

All children attending the Christmas Eve mass are invited to dress as either an angel or a shepherd.

Please bring a gift for the homeless on Christmas Eve and place in the box at the back of church. These will be distributed to the Homeless Shelters in Rhyl.