6th Sunday of the Year
Behold, your reward is great in heaven.

16th February 2025
First Reading Jeremiah 17:5-8
Psalm Psalms 1:1-4, 6
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20
Gospel Luke 6:17, 20-26
For all bookings or enquiries on Funerals, Baptisms, Confessions and Annointing of the Sick,
please ring 01745 353395 or email priestrhyl@rcdwxm.org.uk
Contact address is: St Mary’s Church, 119 Wellington Road, Rhyl, LL18 1LE
Mass Times: Saturday : 5.00 pm
Sunday : 10.00 am
Christmas & New Year Masses
28th Dec. Altar Servers Mass 12.00 p.m.
28th Dec. Holy Innocents – 5.00 p.m.
29th Dec. Holy Family Mass @ 10.00 a.m.
31st Dec. New Year Eve Mass 5.00 p.m.
1st Jan.2025 New Year Mass 10.00 a.m.
A message from Fr Anthony
Welcome ( Croeso)
to our parish website here at Our Lady of Assumption (St. Mary’s) Church Rhyl. A parish in the Catholic Diocese of Wrexham, North Wales. We hope that you will find it useful and enjoy these pages giving a snapshot of a vibrant and active Catholic parish in North Wales. The Parishioners of this Parish come from 43 diverse nationalities all over the world. You are most welcome to visit and be part of the worshipping community.
God bless you.
Father Anthony, MSP.
Contacting us:
Fr. Anthony Nnamah, MSP
Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church,
119 Wellington Road,
Rhyl – Denbighshire.
LL18 1LE
Email: priestrhyl@rcdwxm.org.uk
Phone:01745 353 395.
Below are some photographs from Fr Anthony’s Induction ceremony. Click on a photo to show a larger image
Connect, communicate, and help build an even stronger St Mary’s community!
Facebook Page: St Marys Parish Community Rhyl
Instruction and help on accessing the Facebook page can be found in the Parish Bulletin for
7th February 2021
Our Facebook page is now offering a series of group meetings, on prayer, faith sharing, cooking and recipes and purely social — i.e. to meet up and chat.
Click on the image below for all details

The very latest news items are listed here. They appear in date occurence order. For all news items, visit our NEWS PAGE. To add an item to the News page, please send us a message containing all the relevant details. Please also contact us as soon as possible if any of the details are incorrect, or feel free to leave a comment below the item.
1st Holy Communion & Confirmation.
The FORMS for First Communion and Confirmation are at the back of the Church. Lessons will begin soon. Register now.
The Missionaries of St. Paul, North Wales Community is inviting all to a Holy Mass in celebration of the conversion of St. Paul and the 25th Anniversary of their arrival in the United Kingdom.Date: Sunday 26th JanuaryTime: 2.00 p.m.Venue: St. Mary’s Church, Rhyl. Celebrant. Bishop Peter Brignall.
Appeal for Missionaries
There will be a retiring collection on the 25th /26th January for the training of Missionary Seminarians.
Warm Welcome
The Monday-Monday Warm Welcome is back. Would you like to keep warm this winter and meet new people? Fancy having a chat, a cup of tea/coffee, take part in family fun activities, or just read a book? You will be able to chat, get refreshments, do an activity, get advice, or relax, as part of the...
Week of prayer for Christian Unity
18th - 25th January 2025. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 comes from John 11:17-27. The theme for the week, “Do you believe this?” The Rhyl Cytun will be praying with us here on Tuesday, 21st Jan. at 11.30 a.m. immediately after morning Mass.
First Communion Lesson
The First Communion classes will begin next month. All children of 7 years and above are expected to register now. The Forms are at the back of the Church.
Appeal for Missionaries
There will be a retiring collection on the 25th /26th January for the training of Missionary Seminarians.
Confirmation in Rhyl
The Bishop will be here in the Parish sometime this year to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please, cross-check if you are Confirmed. All the young ones from 12 years and above are expected to register. The Forms are at the back of the Church.
The Missionaries Of St. Paul, North Wales Community is inviting all to a Holy Mass in celebration of the conversion of St. Paul and the 25th Anniversary of their arrival in the United Kingdom.Date: Sunday 26th JanuaryTime: 2.00 p.m.Venue: St. Mary’s Church, Rhyl. Celebrant. Bishop Peter Brignall.