Our Lady of the Assumption News
Keep up to date with the latest news and events in the Parish. Group leaders: e-mail us to add your event here!SPUC Petition:
The Society for the protection of unborn children (SPUC) is asking churches to sign the petition calling on the British Government to end the two-child benefit cap. Please, fill-in the Petition Cards at the back of the Church and drop same at the Basket there or...
Special Appeal:
We are appealing to parishioners to help during the feast day to serve food and drinks; setting up of the area for the feast; cleaning up of the compound before and after the feast and above all participating in the feast. For more information, please contact Ellen,...
Bishop Peter will be here next Sunday to celebrate with us the Parish Feast of Our Lady of Assumption and the decoration with the Benemerenti Medal on Mrs. Sheila Johnson.
Parish Council Meeting:
There will be parish council meeting on Wednesday 31st July at 7pm. Agenda to be discussed is the Parish Feast day coming up on Sunday, 11th August. All are welcome.
African Mass today in Wrexham Cathedral
There will be an African Mass today, 28th July at 2.00 p.m. All are welcome at Wrexham Cathedral.
World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly
This year marks the 4th World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, taking place on Sunday 28th July. Pope Francis has themed this year “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Ps 71:9).
Quiz Night
There will be a "Quiz Night on Friday 26th July at 7.30 p.m. in the Social Area. All welcome. Come and have a great night out."
Sea Sunday
Sea Sunday is an opportunity for us to remember and say prayers for all the brave men and women who work at sea to make sure we have all that we need. Join us to celebrate Sea Sunday and raise funds which help to provide essential support and services for seafarers...
Sr Geraldine’s Office hours
Sr. Geraldine is in the parish office Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11.30 a.m. – 2 00 p.m. Anyone who wishes to book mass, have a word with her can ring the office line or come to the office.
Catholic Herald Magazine
The Catholic Herald Magazine has been a bold and influential voice in the Church since 1888, standing up for traditional Catholic culture and values. The magazine contains book and art reviews, contributions from the best Catholic columnists, features and interviews,...
Lourdes Pilgrimage
Prayers at the Grotto. The Wrexham Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes is from 23rd to 30th July. If you wish to request prayers at the Grotto please place your intentions in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Lourdes Pilgrimage - Prayers at the Grotto”– NO MONEY...
Bishop Peter will be here to celebrate with us the Parish Feast of Our Lady of Assumption on Sunday, 11th August 2024 @ 10 a.m.
Peter’s Pence
As we approach the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul and the annual Peter’s Pence Collection in favour of the Holy Father's apostolic and charitable ministry. Peter’s Pence retiring collection, is to be taken at all Masses on 29th and 30th June and forwarded to the...
Warm Welcome
Warm welcome will close for Summer break: July 15th – Sept. 9th
Diocesan Vacancy
The Diocese of Wrexham is seeking to recruit a new Marriage and Family Life worker. For more information contact Rebecca Garratt at Bishop’s House, Sontley Road, Wrexham, LL13 7EW. businessmanager@rcdwxm.orrg.uk
Diocesan Youth Mass
The Youths of the diocese of Wrexham will gather here in St. Mary’s Church, on Saturday, 29th June at 12.00 a.m. for a diocesan Youth day and Mass. Bishop Peter Brignall will celebrate the Holy Mass. The Youths of the Parish are requested to wait behind next week...
Holywell – Shrine & Well
Parishioners are requested to volunteer as stewards to support the Well Staff a couple of hours a day during the Pilgrimage season - Pentecost to 29th September.. The annual pilgrimage, which will also require...
Day for Life Sunday
The Church teaches that life is to be nurtured from conception to natural death. The theme this year focuses on care at the end of life: The Lord is my Shepherd – Compassion and Hope at the End of Life.