Our Lady of the Assumption News
Keep up to date with the latest news and events in the Parish. Group leaders: e-mail us to add your event here!Movable Feasts 2025
Ash Wednesday - March 5th Palm Sunday - - April 13th Holy Thursday - April 17th Good Friday - - April 18th Holy Saturday - April 19th Easter Sunday - April 20th Ascension - - May 29th Pentecost Sunday June 8th Holy Trinity - - June 15th Corpus Christi - June 22nd...
Sr. Geraldine Enemuoh, DDL, is on holidays.Sr. Leona Umeh, DDL, is standing-in for her.
Prayer Group
Life in the Spirit Prayer meeting will be on Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 7.00 pm for an hour in the Social Area. You are most welcome to join us.
New Year Eve & New Year Mass
The New Year Eve Mass is on Tuesday, 31st December at 5.00 p.m. The New Year Mass - Wednesday, 1st January 2025 at 10.00 a.m. Let us avail ourselves with the Holy Mass to begin the New Year.
Christmas Party for Altar Servers
The Altar Servers will have their Christmas Party after the Holy Mass next Sunday, 29th December in the Social Area. We ask parents to allow the children just one hour after Mass to celebrate with one another.
Bishop Peter’s Mass with the Altar Servers of the diocese.
The Altar Servers will have a special Mass with Bishop Peter at St. Mary’s Cathedral Wrexham on Saturday, 28th December at 12.00 noon. Parents, please, allow your children to participate.
A BIG THANK YOU to all those who turned up for the cleaning of the Church and litter picking around the Church. God bless you all.
Manager at St. Winefride's Well Shrine, Holywell. The postholder will: manage the Visitor Centre, communicate well with people at all levels, a Catholic with a good knowledge of the Christian faith, full time working alternate weekends on a Rota Basis, holiday cover,...
Christmas Party
The Children/Youth of our Parish will be having their Christmas Party on Sunday 22nd Dec., after 10am Holy Mass. Let us support and wish them an enjoyable party and a Happy Christmas! The Altar Servers will have their own party on Sunday 29th of December after Mass....
With the Parliamentary vote on Assisted suicide now behind us, we must not let up on our commitment to the issues at the heart of it all and so this Christmastide we are invited to support the work of the three adult and one children’s hospices in North Wales. The...
Christmas Bingo Update
The Christmas Bingo was a fantastic success thanks to the parishioners and friends who supported this great event. Money raised on the night was £980.00. Thank you all.
Church Cleaning:
We will be cleaning the church on Wed. 18th Dec. at 10.00 a.m. With more volunteers we can get more jobs done. So please come along if only for an hour. Look forward to seeing you.
Litter Picking:
We will be picking up the litter etc within the church grounds on Saturday 14th Dec. starting at 10.30 am. We need volunteers. We will supply the pickers etc. Look forward to seeing you.
Penitential Service:
There will be an Advent Penitential Service with Sacramental Confessions on Friday 13th December at 6.30 p.m. Some Priests will be coming to help for Confessions.
Christmas Prize Bingo
Wednesday 4th Dec. 7.30pm. Doors open at 7.00pm.
Flowers in the Church
Every Sunday, we see nice flower arrangements in our Church. This happens because some parishioners buy the flowers. To do this, they rely on the Parish. We have at the back of the Church by the Exit Wall, a small opening marked Flowers. The money from this donation...
The New Lectionary
There will be a little ceremony in the Church next Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, to usher-in the New Lectionary. This includes a little Traditional dance by some Ladies of the Church.
Advent & Christmas program
30th Nov. Sat. – 1st Advent – 5.00 p.m. 1st Dec. 1st Advent Sunday – 10.00 a.m. 1st Dec. Advent Family Day 12.00 p.m. 4th Dec. Christmas Bingo 7.30 p.m. 7th...