Last Sunday we began our LISTENING an invitation to the whole Rhyl Catholic community and its friends in the wider community to contribute to a vision for the parish’s future and for the Common Good of our society. Thank to those who have filled in the Listening document. We’re going to summarise your responses and publish them, alongside the group discussions coming up soon. The invite is for us all to listen to each other and to people outside the parish.

Remember—we aren’t an inward-looking group just focused on Sunday Mass. What about the parish mission—preach the Good News to all the nations, to our local community ? You may have ideas about parents and children preparing for baptism, first communion, confirmation, hospital chaplaincy, funeral services or issues we havent thought about. What about adults learning about Catholic Faith ? What about Missio, the Red boxes for mission overseas, the local work of the Knights of St Columba, the Union of Catholic Mothers, our St Vincent De Paul group (sadly not operating through lack of members) What about bereavement, dementia, refugees, social justice and Catholic Social Teaching ?

The invitation is still open—survey sheets can be accessed at the back of church.Thanks again everybody……….