First Holy Communion

The First Communion Children with their parents will meet after the Holy Mass on Sunday, 9th March 2025. The program for the Catechism Lessons and the date for the first Communion will be discussed.

Gift Aid

Bishop Peter has raised the subject of Gift Aid and the importance of asking existing donators if they would like to review the amount they currently give. New Gift Aid Forms are at the back of the Church. Contactless Machine at the back of the Church may also be used...

Racial Justice Sunday

This day calls for all Christians to engage in the righteous struggle for racial justice. This year’s theme, Coat of Many Colours, reminds us that diversity is a gift to be valued. People of all backgrounds are standing up for justice, fighting for their communities...

Old Palms

Please, bring any old Palms that you have in your homes back to the Church next week Sunday. These will be burnt and used for Ashes during the Ash Wednesday Masses.

Next Prayer Meeting:

Life in the Spirit Prayer Group will be meeting on Wednesday 12th February at 7.00 in the Social Area. All welcome.

Annual Marriage Mass

Annual Mass in Celebration of Marriage and Married Life -Saturday 15th February at 12pm Wrexham Cathedral.All are welcome to celebrate:• Annual renewal of vows with Bishop Peter• Special blessing for engaged couples due to be married in 2025 from Bishop Peter• Buffet...