Ways you can make offertory donations:

1. Create a Banker’s Standing Order. Simply fill in a Banker’s Order form and return it to your bank. (Some banks let you download these forms.) On this form you simply enter:

The Banks’ name eg Nat West.
Name of Account : eg Rhyl Catholic church
Account no. eg 12378965
Branch Sort code: eg 45-50-23

This can also be done easily online. If you do Gift Aid please give the bank your envelope number, as evidence for the authorities that you’ve gift aided. Many thanks. If you already have a ‘Gift Aid’ arrangement in favour of our parish and are now arranging a Banker’s Order in favour of the parish, please give the bank your envelope number as a reference

2. You can give through Paypal. Even if not a member. Simply google Paypal, donate to chosen charity (Rhyl Catholic church) and we can collect this from Paypal.

3. At wrexhamdiocese.org.uk Just enter the amount you wish to give, and then enter the name of the parish you’re giving to. You can pay by paypal or enter your bank details confidentially.

4. Ring Fr Charles or Gerard Milan who will give you the parish bank details so that you can contribute directly.

Many thanks