In 2011, Albert Gubay, founder of Quicksave supermarkets, revealed to the BBC that, as a young businessman, he had made a divine pact. “One Saturday, I didn’t know where the next penny was coming from and I lay on my bed and I had this conversation with God,” he said. “I said ‘God, help me and whatever I make over the years of my life, when I die, half will go to the Church.’ He died in January 2016 , leaving a large part of his fortune to the Church. To help address the worst effects of the current pandemic the trust has donated one million pounds for people who are short of food, to be channelled through parishes.

This is Good News for the Rhyl Good News Mission project whose volunteers have seen at first hand the effects of the shortages. (They see and hear situations and stories which are quite disturbing.) This project is very fragile, relying on providence week-by-week. However, a few days ago our parish request for help from the Gubay fund came through and the project is now secure till September. A big thank you to Mrs Gubay and the fund. Also to Rob Walsh, (parish facilitator) who organised our bid at very short notice and Natasha who leads the project. (by Fr Charles)