If you recall, the Bishops of England and Wales announced a theme for this year, SPEAKING GOD’S WORD, to help us focus on exploring the scriptures in more depth. Bishop Peter appointed a team to provide opportunities for this , Carol Bayliss, Carol O’Toole, Edward Dermot Ryan, Rev Steve Davies and Rev Charles Ramsay.
The Team warmly invites you to ‘How the Bible speaks to me’, a Zoom event on Sunday 13th September from 2-3.30pm, reflecting on how God speaks to us through the Word.
The event is open to anyone interested. The idea is to choose and bring along one of your favourite scripture passages that has meant something to you in your life, and that you might like to share with others in small groups. Don’t worry if you don’t have a scripture passage or passages in mind, or if you feel you may not even wish to speak at all – but do feel free to ‘come along’ to tune in and listen. It’s surprising how often each of our own insights can help others.
You can join the event via your computer, tablet or smartphone, and also by landline using the Zoom link. To register and get the Zoom ID details, please contact either the email address on the poster, communications@rcdwxm.org.uk or carol. ayliss@uwclub.net If you would like any further information or need help with Zoom, please contact Carol either on 01978 357724 or at Carol’s email address above.
Also, if there is someone you know (such as family or friends in your community) whom you feel may enjoy and benefit from joining us, then please do invite them.