A new global digital campaign promoted by the Global Catholic climate Movement and open to all who wish to support Catholics to mobilise behind the Pope’s prayer intention in support of a just response to the COVID pandemic and the climate emergency. Based on the profound prayer intention issued by Pope Francis in September that the planet’s resources must not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner, the campaign is an online petition where Catholics worldwide are called to pray with Pope Francis and to call on governments and companies worldwide to make a just transition to a healthy renewable energy economy. The campaign was launched on September 19 and it will be open to signatures until 18th November. You are invited to join the campaign by sharing the petition with your members and networks using the social media pack provided. Together we will show Pope Francis that we are behind his vision for a new economy.
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Additional Support:
If you’d like any help or support, please feel free to contact Adriana González at adriana@catholicclimatemovement.global More information is also available on Stand with Pope Francis website, www.standwithpopefrancis.org