Three Saints have been added to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar, as follows:

Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, Feast Day now to be on 17 September, was a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, and polymath of the High Middle Ages. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred monophony, as well as the most recorded in modern history. She has been considered by many in Europe to be the founder of scientific natural history in Germany.

QUOTE Humanity, take a good look at yourself. Inside, you’ve got heaven and earth, and all of creation. You’re a world—everything is hidden in you.” -Hildegard of Bingen

Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church, Feast Day now will be on 27 February, ( c. … 950 – 1003/1011) Gregory was an Armenian mystical and lyrical poet, monk, and theologian. He is venerated as a saint in the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic Churches and was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Francis in 2015.

QUOTE “In the face of my darkness, You are light. In the face of my mortality, You are life.”

Saint John De Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church, (6 January 1499– 10 May 1569) was a Spanish priest, preacher, scholastic author, and religious mystic, . He is called the “Apostle of Andalusia”, for his extensive ministry in that region. His Feast day will now be on 10 May.