As we all know, India is facing a devastating second wave of Coronavirus, with more than 16 million cases and 200,000 deaths confirmed. Father Paul Moonjely. Executive Director of our partner agency, Caritas India, tells us, “The Church in India has lost many of its faithful laity and religious brothers and sisters in their pursuit to serve the distressed population. There is a strong urgency to reach out to the strained and stranded population that has been dispossessed and isolated” . On behalf of the Catholic Church in India, Father Paul said, “I make an earnest appeal to all the members of the Caritas Fraternity across the globe, to come together in solidarity and encourage the community of faithful, institutions and people of goodwill to contribute generously to this humanitarian call and express our solidarity at this crucial moment”.
CAFOD is responding to the crisis in India and advise them that they can support this response by donating to our Coronavirus Appeal. We are also offering the Ascension Feast Day Mass this week to pray for the people of India.
As Coronavirus brings devastation across India, CAFOD is working with experienced local Church agency, Caritas India, to provide vital support to poor and marginalised communities. Donations to CAFOD’s Coronavirus Appeal will help Caritas India Caritas distribute PPE kits to frontline health workers, promote COVID & vaccine awareness campaigns, and set up safely run isolation & quarantine centres. You can donate online here: Please keep praying for the p ople of India and all those affected by the pandemic.
Note from Fr Charles: At this sad time we stand with our fellow-parishioners from Kerala, who have relatives and friends ill or dying from Covid 19. You can also help by donating through CAFOD online or in church this Sunday and Pentecost Sunday, with CAFOD envelopes you can take as you enter church. Thank