Many thanks to parishioners and others who‘ve wished me well over the last week, in regard to moving from Rhyl. After 20 years here it’s a real sadness, a grief, to leave, especially where I’ve worked closely with people. We often underestimate the depth of relationship possible between priest and people. In the eucharist we share weekly, and for some daily, at a very deep level of the spirit. So I recognise there is also a sense of loss for many of you.
Bishop Peter had asked if any priest wanted to move and my first thought was “certainly not.” In so many ways it’s so good to be at St Mary’s, and so easy with so many of you working to build the community life. But gradually deeper questions came to me: what’s best for the parish ? what’s best for me ? I’ve been here 20 years. I’m 73, an age when wisdom suggests a way of life in which the challenge is to be more contemplative (that’s for us all !!) there are so many good initiatives here and I don’t have the same energy. We have a major new School which is asking for priestly input. Also, I’ve always believed priests should move every 9 years. So I asked Bishop Peter to move me and, though I was late asking, he very kindly accommodated me.