Christmas Party

The Children/Youth of our Parish will be having their Christmas Party on Sunday 22nd Dec., after 10am Holy Mass. Let us support and wish them an enjoyable party and a Happy Christmas! The Altar Servers will have their own party on Sunday 29th of December after Mass....

The New Lectionary

There will be a little ceremony in the Church next Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, to usher-in the New Lectionary. This includes a little Traditional dance by some Ladies of the Church.

Advent & Christmas program

30th Nov. Sat. – 1st Advent  –   5.00 p.m. 1st Dec. 1st Advent Sunday –   10.00 a.m. 1st Dec. Advent Family Day     12.00 p.m. 4th Dec. Christmas Bingo          7.30 p.m. 7th...